
I am sure every writer goes through this. It is like you are unable to write or in my case do not have the mood to write. During this time every writer has varying thoughts as to the list of the things that he/she would write about. In my case, these are the things which I have mentioned that I will write and somethings(or topics) which come to my mind while traveling,walking or even observing people. Writing as we know is an art of expressing what you think, what you believe and what you want to convey.

When that communication aspect stops, even though the writer’s mind might be full of thoughts he/she wishes to express but is someway unable to express. This in my view is the writer’s block.  Dictionary provides us with the definition that

A usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing.

I have even read that it is the inability to get inspired, possibly that might be true for some people. I however can assure reader, I donot have such problem. Therefore, should I conclude that it is just plan laziness and too much dependance on the dopamine in my mind (some people have fixation for such things) ?

The writer’s job as such is to get inspired, read stuff and create something which inspires others, preferably the future generations.

Writers to take a note of :

The above writers in their own ways have tried to make stories or poems which would inspire people, inculcate values in them, make then question things and norms. I however wonder how these men and women did when they went through writer’s block. I read that few writers just use to fill their pages with gibberish (even though those words might be full of spelling errors 🙂 ) and some go into wild antics which can be termed plain crazy stuff. However when these guys bounce back they put in inspirational stuff, so is their NOT writing a part of writing good, a silence before the storm.

The best quote I found while thinking about it was by Charles Bukowski , who states

writing about a writer’s block is better than not writing at all” .

Though I found another one, very interesting but maybe not much appropriate for high-nose polished beings.

Stated by the great Hank Moody that when you are not able to write anything,just say

