Given the time we have in hand due to this Pandemic COVID-19, it is an opportunity to write; as we are mostly struck inside the house. There are many topics we come across to write, I was searching online to identify those for my blog. Some of them are pending from my-side, such as the list of characters from Mahabharata, (a Mythological story which I love). The major hurdle becomes the inspiration to start the topic and, in some cases, reading material at your disposal seems to be not good enough.

However, in order to keep yourself disciplined, I read, one must finish the task started. This goes well with the pending list of Characters which I need to focus on. Apart from that, the topics which a blogger or writer can focus on can vary, will try to list them down below. I hope it helps fellow bloggers too.

  1. Current affairs – Opinions related to the latest occurring
  2. Places – Traveled and in Bucket List
  3. Food
  4. Movie/Web Series Reviews – Actors, addressing good scripts or movie clips
  5. Mythology – I enjoy mythology, I guess being Indian it is part of our daily life. DevDutt Patnaik is a good teacher for me. Netflix has got a good show DevLok.
  6. Romanticism
  7. Renaissance
  8. Gadget reviews
  9. History – Indian, European, Middle Eastern and Asian fascinates me
  10. Music – Genre which I Enjoyed or essay on an artist
  11. Blog – How to improve the blogging experience
  12. Psychology – Usually one needs to go through some magazines such as Psychology today or books associated with topics, which may excite you.
  13. Book Review – I have done a few in the past, but I can start on them again
  14. Space – Items related to recent discovery, space exploration or space technologies
  15.  Genetics – I am a massive fan of genetics study, although I never studied Biology but this field inspires me tremendously and I wish to enhance my knowledge.
  16. Poetry – Although this is an English blog, but one can try and feature poetry from various languages
  17. Teaching – Many thinkers of past, would certainly inspire future generations, their ideas or views can become a source of teaching.
  18. Writing – Tips to improve writing, it is a fun activity. Allows one to focus on writing style or specific use of words, to make it more impactful.
  19. Mahabharata – The Quotes, Characters, storyline etc, everything is just amazing.
  20. Sufism – Music, Literature, Thoughts, lifestyle, thinkers. Sub-continent is heavy influenced by Chisti and Qadari Sufism.
  21. Leadership – Considering our world has become a small place owing to technology, we can connect to many people and know about many forms of leadership. Writing about those who inspire you to be a better version of yourself, would be fun and step in the right direction.
  22. Satire – If a person has a knack of raising serious topics with a pinch of comedy then, one must try this. I allow one to put across topics and issue which may not be generally be discussed.
  23. Video Blog – Last 5-6 years the trend has shifted from writing the blog to rather just recording the video and putting to on social media platforms. Writing about them would be fun.
  24. Things to do, before you die – I think everyone must a bucket-list of the things one would do, before they die. This helps one keep motivated and focused towards our goals.
  25. Language one is learning or like – The new words or sentences one can try. (Have a new dedicated blog for it)
  26. Photography – For this too, I believe one should have a dedicated blog, use a good camera and post it.
  27. Technology – The field that one works on, one can write about it and enhance work profile.
  28. Bullying/cyber bullying – A major occurrence in this digital age
  29. Sports
  30. Politics – Although I think this also needs a separate dedicated blog. I really like people Video Blogging on these issues on YouTube. It is more interactive, I think few people like to read nowadays.
  31. Economics – Reviewing Economics books and occurring in market will be fun.

If I missed out on any point, please feel free to add them or give recommendations. Writing is form of a meditation, when you are alone with your thoughts and allows you organize your mind and focus on the tasks which needs attention.